Yearly Archives: 2015

“SAIE 2015” SMART HOUSE SAIE 14 to 17 October in Bologna

The goal of reducing a building’s energy consumption through integration between its technological subsystems is the concept behind SAIE Smart House. A relational space devoted to smart building, the initiative focuses on energy efficiency and consolidation, cutting management costs and improving properties in view of a sustainable future. SMART 'HOUSE' IS THE FUTURE OF BUILDING


 Registration open online for TECHNOLOGYforALL Innovation Forum to be held in Rome 12 to 14 May 2015 aims to take stock of the smart technologies. This year the event will be opened on May 12 with a workshop of a day in the archaeological area of ​​the Trajan's Market, where the participants can see

Samsung alleati con Arduino per l’Internet delle Cose

da "la Stampa" di oggi 13 maggio 2015 Samsung vuole entrare in ogni dispositivo connesso del futuro, sia esso un drone o una lavatrice, anche se non porta il suo marchio, e lo fa stringendo una collaborazione con l’italiana Arduino , artefice delle schede elettroniche per oggetti tech fai da te. L’azienda coreana ha svelato

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